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Tx Sequence for Myoaligner®
To assist you in navigating your jaw alignment treatment with Functional Segmented Orthotics, we've provided an estimated schedule of the appointments typically required. Please keep in mind that each individual's needs are unique, and the schedule outlined below is not set in stone. Your treatment is a collaborative effort between you and your dentist. As the treatment progresses, adjustments, including possible additions or removals from the original treatment plan, may be necessary to best suit your specific situation.
Appointment #1 (60 min)
Appointment #2 (60-90 min)
Appointment #3 (60 min)
Appointment #4 (60 min, 1 week post-op)
Appointment #5 (60 min,1 month post-op)
Appointment #6 (60 min, 3 month post-op)
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