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Mejora tu Salud, Función y Belleza

Myoaligner® is an innovative solution cleared by FDA, for treatment of Migraine Headaches, TMJD (Temporo Mandibular Joint Disorders), Tension Headaches, Tooth Grinding, Clenching and protection of teeth against grinding. 


 The innovative CAD/CAM technology makes Myoaligner® Devices virtually invisible in the mouth, supports the jaw in the optimal position, so patients can enjoy the benefits of a balanced bite and relaxed jaw day and night.  

Las últimas investigaciones han concluido que la forma en que se engranan los dientes puede provocar:

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Poor Jaw Alignment

Puede provocar un perfil facial deficiente, mentón retraído, acelerar el envejecimiento del rostro, mala simetría facial, desviación nasal, postura de la cabeza hacia adelante y  dolor de cuello

Difficulty Breathing

A narrow smile or a small upper jaw could potentially retract the lower jaw towards the throat, minimize tongue space,make swallowing difficult, partially close upper airway, trigger mouth breathing, interrupt quality sleep and lead to a cascade of issues including brain fog and memory loss in adults and children.


Pain and headaches

Spasm of the chewing muscles that expend from the temples into the neck is often associated with a poor bite alignment or crooked teeth which could lead to poor neck alignment, TMJ noise or damage, tooth grinding, clenching and poor overall body function and posture.

¿Listo para optimizar su salud general?

Changes in the facial symmetry, persistent headaches, jaw pain, jaw noise, ear pain, difficulty chewing, neck pain, poor posture and poor sleep can affect patients both physically and mentally.   Unless your dentists completed extra training after dental school, they might not know that many of the symptoms that you experience, could be traced back to the mouth and treatable with non-invasive and functional solutions.

Mejorar la alineación de la mandíbula

Could positively impact...

¡No demores más tu consulta!

Si tiene uno o más de estos problemas, es posible que sufra una mala alineación de la mandíbula, incluso si tiene los dientes rectos.

Pain in the jaw, face, neck, ear or hip

Tooth grinding and clenching

Persistent or intermittent migraine headaches

Recessed lower jaw or narrow upper jaw

Jaw locking, noise or limited jaw movement

Poor sleep & accelerated aging

¿Qué es el trastorno de la ATM?

El trastorno de la ATM a menudo se refiere a dolor en las articulaciones de la mandíbula (la articulación temporomandibular), ruido o bloqueo de las articulaciones y espasmos en los músculos faciales y del cuello que controlan la alineación de la mandíbula.  


Hay muchas razones que pueden causar que la mandíbula esté desalineada, pero la más común es una mala mordida o la forma en que los dientes se engranan, lo que comprime la mandíbula inferior en la articulación.


Si sufre dolor en la mandíbula, sensación de plenitud en los oídos, dolor de cuello o rechina y aprieta los dientes, es posible que tenga un trastorno de la ATM.

How it works...


Find a trained dentist near you

Search our list of trained dentists who have received onboarding training through Myoaligner Academy (PACE approved by Academy of General Dentistry).

Schedule a consultation for clinical evaluation, treatment plan, cost, risks, and benefits to see if you're a candidate.



Your Myoaligner provider will complete your exam, take the necessary radiographs, digital dental impressions or molds of your teeth, determine your optimal jaw alignment and deliver your custom made Myoaligner to support that jaw position.

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Collaboration between you and your dentist is the key to optimal results.  Make sure you are fully informed of all treatment options and always start with least invasive treatment options that gives you the most ideal outcome.  The majority of Myoaligner patients overcome symptoms within a few weeks. 

What patients are saying

“Me siento más saludable”.

“I had trouble eating. My TMJ pain got to where I would wake up many times during the night with sharp pains in my jaw. Life has been great ever since treatment with Myoaligner. I don’t have pain, I can chew nuts, vegetables, and steaks. I’ve been sleeping better and waking up with mental clarity and energy to go about my daily life.”


“My face is more attractive.”  

"Years of tooth grinding and clenching had really aged my face.  My chin looked recessed and the asymmetry in my face got so bad that my doctor thought I had a stroke.   After treatment with Myoaligner my muscles calmed down, my jaw stopped crackling and my face looked rejuvenated.  Your outlook on life changes when you are pain free and look better." 




“It feels great to be headache free”

"No me di cuenta de cómo la forma en que mis dientes se entrelazaban estaba causando espasmos en los músculos y desalineación de las articulaciones de la mandíbula y la columna vertebral. Tener mi mordida arreglada me dio más fuerza para hacer ejercicio y mantenerme activo, lo que a su vez me ayudará mantenerse saludable a largo plazo."

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