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  • Who "Nose" This Hack to Protecting Yourself From viruses?

    Focus on replacing mouth breathing with nasal breathing, it's really that simple! Did you know? Your Nose is your first Line of Defense Against majority of Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, etc? When you breathe through your nose properly, the air that enters your body is sterilized by Nitric Oxide (NO). NO is such a powerful gas that when combined with Nitrogen, it becomes a commonly used sterilization substance in the medical field to disinfect tools. Studies have shown #antiviral activity of Nitric Oxide gas. To maximize the sterilizing effects of NO gas in your body, consciously replace mouth #breathing with nasal breathing. Nitric Oxide: "Molecule of the Year" In 1989, Nitric Oxide was named "Molecule of the Year" by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. So what exactly is Nitric Oxide? It's a colorless gas that your body is constantly producing in your #paranasal #sinuses. It improves pulmonary function as well as sterilizes the air that enters your body. Studies To read more about Nitric Oxide check out the links below. Visit for more information Disclaimer* The content on this website is not a substitute for medical advice. If you are concerned about a medical issue, please refer to your doctor. #COVID19 #NitricOxide #StayHealthy #coronavirusoutbreak #coronavirusamerica #coronavirusportland

  • Expert Spotlight: Dr. William Williams

    Dr. Bill Williams is the founder of Solstice Dental Advisers and director of the 5M Masterminds- a program where dentists learn to produce $10,000/day and market & manage multi-million dollar practices. Over his 45 years in practice he has been a noted international speaker, business coach, #1 best-selling author and clinician all while maintaining a thriving private practice in Suwanee, GA. As for Dr. Williams select accomplishments, he has achieve Mastership status at the most reputable International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics (ICCMO) and the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). He earned Small Business Person of the Year in 2005 as well as the Ron Lamb Award from Christian Dental Society in 2007. He is a certified Guerrilla Marketing instructor and certified trainer for Bio Dent Inc.'s Ultra Tooth Implant System. Most recently, Dr. Williams has focused on teaching about pediatric airway development, dental practice management and the Ultra Tooth Replacement System. He held lectures on the Smiles At Sea Cruise in Havana, Cuba & at the annual ICCMO conference in Kansas City. Dr. Williams also dedicated his time to teaching medical physicians and dentists in DaNang and Hanoi, Vietnam. On December 4th, I got the chance to sit down with Dr. Williams to discuss his career and his thoughts on Myoaligner® treatment protocols. The Interview Can you start by telling me a little bit about your background in dentistry? I've had 45 years in dentistry, starting in 1975. My first class was in St. Petersburg with Pete Dawson. I came back and went to Harold Gelb's class and said "this is conflicting information." But then I took Barney Jankelson's (a renowned prosthodontist) class up in Seattle and I felt it was compatible information [with Harold Gelb's philosophy.] With my background in occlusion and TMJ, I started teaching TMJ, orthodontics and [dental] reconstruction back in the early 80's. I traveled around the U.S. as an instructor for the United States Dental Institute and I enjoyed that. Along with my colleagues, I started a group called TMJ Framework. It was a residency type of program that [I co-founded]. We ran that for 10 years but eventually I packed up everything and sold the practice in Stone Mountain. I moved up to Suwanee, GA at age 48 to start over again. I built a nice big practice here and have continued to be in business there for about 23 years. That's awesome. What are you doing right now? My favorite thing, what I really focus on mostly is practice management. Things like how to build a profitable practice, how to market, and grow your practice. I [also] teach implant & bone grafting and oral systematic connections. There are tons of things I like to talk about but the business of dentistry is my significant focus. Would you say that the business of dentistry is the most interesting part of dentistry for you? What specifically interests you? Well, my intention is to really focus on technology. Specifically Redox, which is a signaling technology. It's a new emerging science that's never come to dentistry until this year. I enjoy bringing Redox technology into the dental practice to show dentists, hygienists and [other people in the workforce] how it works. [All in hopes that they will] implement the program so people get the advantage of having this health and wellness supplement added to their daily regimen. I've never seen anything quite like it in all my years of practice. It is something that will benefit more people. I am making it a mission to focus on that for the next 5-10 years. In addition, I will continue what I already do which is teaching the practice development and business side of dentistry and what I call Decathlon Dentistry - the implants, the bone grafts, the TMJ and the Neuromuscular Dentistry. How have you seen technology impact your specific practice? I've always been a high tech kind of dentist and we computerized in 1981. We got the Kinesograph, the forerunner to the K7 Scanner in 1979. I have always been on the edge of whoever's creating something unique, I tried to find it and use it. I got a T-Scan back in 1987. If I had a dollar for every toy I bought, I would've probably had enough to retire already! I don't think it was the money I made from using the toys that was most valuable. The value came from the perception of the patients. They gave me a significant advantage over other dentists because I was into high tech equipment and they couldn't do things that I could do. It's just a matter of staying on the edge of the learning stage of technology. You will always stay ahead of the curve that way. Awesome! So I just have one more question to wrap it. What would be your advice for new dentists? My advice for new dentists: if they don't know Comprehensive Dentsitry, they need to learn it. If they already know, then they need to experience what Myoaligner® educations would do for them as far as a extending their reach. Get in Touch With Dr. Williams! To contact Dr. Williams and learn more about 5M Masterminds & coaching, click here!

  • Sitting Down With Dr. Maryam Motlagh, Co-Founder and CEO of Myoaligner®

    Dr. Maryam Motlagh Dr. Maryam Motlagh is a general and cosmetic dentist who focuses in TMJ treatments at her Portland, OR based private practice, Aesthetic Smiles. After decades of treating patients with TMJ and related dental jaw alignment issues. Today, I got the chance to sit down with Dr. Maryam Motlagh and talk to her about her research and experience. The Interview Q: Tell me about your education, where did you study? A: I have dedicated my professional life to helping patients improve their smiles and overall health with natural, non-surgical, & bio-remodeling techniques. I sought extensive training in post-doctorate institutes including Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry & Spear center and Las Vegas Institute (LVI) to help patients alleviate the pain associated with poor bite alignment commonly known as TMJ. As a Fellow of International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics, my research has led to Myoaligner®, a PACE approved dental technology company that provides general dentists with the latest education on the connection between poor jaw alignment and other aliments like TMJ disorders and even sleep apnea. Q: What do you consider to be your specialties? A: The focus of my practice is cosmetic and complex restorative dentistry which has led to my nationally recognized Smile Makeovers by the American Academy of cosmetic Dentistry. The comprehensive approach to patient care is the driving force behind everything I do. I believe that beyond providing my patients with a beautiful smile I can also offer treatments that lead to better jaw alignment & improved facial profile. I am passionate about bringing awareness on TMJ/TMD treatments to patients and providers around the world. Q: Could you explain what a comprehenisve approach is? Why do you feel it is the best way to treat patients? A: a comprehensive approach in dentistry goes beyond fixing one or 2 teeth and takes into consideration the harmonious function of the entire masticatory system: muscles, joints and teeth . For example, I have a patient who suffers from TMJ disorders and experiences intense headaches and jaw clicking when she eats & talks. Instead of suggesting she take pain relief medications, I will determine the root cause of her pain. In this case, if her pain is caused by the misalignment of her bite. I can alleviate the bulk of the pain by relaxing the jaw muscles and supporting the the jaw in that relaxed position with custom made dental devices. Once relief of symptoms are achieved, we plan on a long term solution by correcting the bite either with orthodontic or restorative options. The comprehensive approach can be utilized in many ways, but I have found it very beneficial in treating TMJ patients. People who suffer from common TMJ symptoms may not even know they have TMJ, which is why I believe education and awareness is critical for both patients and providers. Q: Each year, more than 3 million people report symptoms of TMJ/TMD. Can you explain what TMJ/TMD is? A: TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint, so technically everybody has TMJ. People associate symptoms like jaw popping, muscle spasms in their face or pain when eating to be linked with TMJ. Actually the correct term is TMD or Temporomandibular Disorder. Usually TMD is caused by misalignment of the upper and lower teeth which negatively effects the muscles and jaw alignment. Q: Do you have a solution? A: Yes. In my opinion the best solution is a comprehensive and non invasive approach. Some people have TMD caused by a bad bite, others cannot breath or swallow correctly due to chronic congestions and mouth breathing which causes mal-occlusion. To have a good orthopedic balance in the jaw and the head and neck, the bones, muscles and teeth all need to work together in harmony. After years of treating patients suffering from TMD, I have put a multidiciplinary protocol together based on physiologic, functional and Neuromuscular treatment modalities. Q: What is your mission with Myoaligner®? A: Our mission is to empower dentists with training, knowledge and simple solutions so they can expand their treatment services and impact millions of lives. Keep in Touch with Myoaligner®! Visit the Myoaligner® website to stay up to date on all the latest news and advancements happening with Myoaligner®! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and use the hashtag #myoaligner to bring us along on your Myoaligner® journey! And of course, visit to stay up to date on everything Dr. Motlagh is doing in Portland!

  • Expert Spotlight: Dr. Maryam Motlagh, Physiologic Dentistry and Facial Rejuvenation

    The face is one area that often shows the premature signs of aging. Lines and wrinkles can develop around the eyes, nose, and mouth, giving patients an aged appearance. Many times, patients believe that the only effective way to treat these wrinkles and restore a more youthful appearance is by turning to invasive cosmetic treatments, such as facelift surgery. Would you be surprised to find out that non-invasive dental care may be able to provide similar results? Latest advancements in dentistry now allows dentists to relax facial muscles and achieve a facelift effect. Cosmetic dentist, Dr. Maryam Motlagh has helped countless patients restore a more youthful and energetic appearance, all while improving their oral health and functions. How Your Bite Affects Your Face It is obvious that the appearance of the teeth can have a significant impact on a person’s overall aesthetics. However, the bite also affects a person’s facial appearance. The bite is an important substructure of the face. It plays a large role in determining a person’s profile and creating a symmetrical appearance that is considered by many to be one of the standards of beauty. In addition, the muscles surrounding the mouth and jaw are largely responsible for the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, and deep creases. If a patient has deep or crooked bite or suffers from misalignment problems, the muscles around the jaw will likely spasm while that person is biting or chewing. In an attempt to compensate for a bad bite, the facial muscles will also tighten. This muscle tension can cause wrinkles and other cosmetic imperfections that create an aged and worn-down appearance. Treat Facial Tension with Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Motlagh treats muscle spasms with a variety of non invasive methods including but not limited to application of ultra low frequency electrical neural stimulation. The FDA-cleared equipment and techniques she uses is a comfortable and effective way to relax facial muscle in just an hour. When the facial muscles are relaxed, the jaw will sit in its natural resting position and supported by a variety of custom devices. By ideally positioning the jaw, she is able to alleviate muscle tension, stretch and smooth the facial skin to minimize lines and wrinkles, and improve facial proportions. Following such treatments, the majority of patients are pleased to find that their face looks more youthful and energetic. Connect With Dr. Maryam Motlagh Visit the website: Follow Dr. Motlagh on Facebook and Instagram

  • 7 Tips to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

    Over the past few years, there has been a spike in malicious software intending to take advantage of encryption and hold people's personal information for ransom. The purpose of this software is to extort money from the victims with promises of restoring encrypted data. Like other computer viruses, it usually finds its way onto a device by exploiting a security hole in vulnerable software or by tricking somebody into installing it. Ransomware, as it is known, scores high profile victims like dental offices (a ransomware attack has crippled an estimated 400 dental practices across the US), hospitals, public schools and police departments. Now it has found its way into home computers. For many years, Google Drive, Dropbox and email were the only document exchange platforms available to dental offices. Unfortunately, none of these services are HIPAA compliant which puts patient privacy in an extremely vulnerable state. Recently, a new company called eDossi™ has surfaced and is paving the way for the data security industry. Currently, eDossi™ only caters to dental offices, providing them with an all inclusive document exchange service that promises HIPAA compliance, security and efficiency. Check out more about eDossi at As well as relying on a trusted data security service, there are a few things you can do every day too ensure your data is safe and protected. Here are our 7 tips for preventing ransomware attacks- There are a few Do's and Don'ts when it comes to ransomware. 1. DO NOT pay the ransom. It only encourages and funds these attackers. Even if the ransom is paid, there is no guarantee that you will be able to regain access to your files. 2. DO restore any impacted files from a reliable backup service. Restoration of your files from a backup is the fastest way to regain access to your data. 3. DO NOT provide personal information when answering an email, unsolicited phone call, text message or instant message. Phishers (fraudulent companies intending to scam individuals into revealing personal information) will try to trick employees into installing malware, or gain intelligence for attacks by claiming to be from IT. Be sure to contact your IT department if you or your coworkers receive suspicious calls. 4. DO use reputable antivirus software and a firewall. Maintaining a strong firewall and keeping your security software up to date is critical to avoid illegitimate software. 5. DO employ content scanning and filtering on your mail servers. Inbound e-mails should be scanned for known threats and should block any attachment types that could pose a threat. 6. DO make sure that all systems and software are up to date with relevant patches. Exploit kits hosted on compromised websites are commonly used to spread malware. Regular patching of vulnerable software is necessary to help prevent infection. 7. If traveling, DO alert your IT department beforehand, especially if you’re going to be using public wireless internet. Make sure you use a trustworthy Virtual Private Network (VPN) when accessing public Wi-Fi. For more tips, stay connected with Myoaligner® Follow us on Facebook Visit our Website Learn More about eDossi™

  • What is Myoaligner?

    The Idea. After receiving her post doctorate degree from the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry & Las Vegas Institute (LVI) and International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics (ICCMO), Dr. Maryam Motlagh dedicated her professional life to treating her patients using a holistic approach to identify the underlying causes of every problem rather than solely treating the symptoms. Dr. Motlagh believes that the key to ensuring a healthy body and lifestyle is understanding how a single issue like a bad jaw alignment can have effects on the whole body. When Dr. Motlagh saw popular tooth aligners making a big splash in the market, she started to analyze how she could improve their function to be even more beneficial to patients. What she discovered is that the goal of many of these popular clear slingers were cosmetic enhancement, but the symptoms these patients most likely dealt with were not being treated. She decided to make a dental appliance similar to ones already on the market except hers would serve a functional purpose and improve the jaw alignment as well as provide cosmetic enhancement. With this idea, Myoaligner® was born. Decades of treating patients with TMJ and related dental jaw alignment issues, Dr. Motlagh's research lead to Myoaligner® treatment protocols. Based on principles of physiologic & neuromuscular treatment modalities and a holistic approach to care, Myoaligner® focuses on relaxing the fatigued jaw and neck muscles using FDA cleared ULF- TENS on the masticatory muscles while maintaining that optimal physiology during function and chewing. How it Works. Using a he latest in CAD/CAM dentistry Myoaligner helps dentists deliver custom invisible daytime dental appliances intended to address TMJ and related pain, correct bite & jaw alignment, and enhance facial profile. When a patient is approved to move forward with the Myoaligner® process, they go through a 100% non-invasive treatment until they are finally fitted for their very own Myoaligner® appliance. Patients' will be able to eat, talk and function normally during the day with the dental appliance remaining in their mouth. Ultimately, relaxing the facial muscles and realigning the jaw to the correct position should relieve patients from any jaw pain, headaches, poor facial profile or other symptoms caused by jaw misalignment. When the jaw is back in the correct position patients will also notice an aesthetic enhancement in their facial features, such as jaw slimming and facial elongating. Who is a Candidate? Here is a list of symptoms you may be experiencing. If you recognize any of these, find a Myoaligner® provider near you to discuss further treatment options. Limited movement of the jaw Locking of the jaw, making it difficult to open the mouth Jaw tenderness Pain in the jaw, face, sinus, ear or neck Stiff jaw muscles Clicking sound or popping in the jaw The upper and lower teeth do not fit together Severe pain in and around the ear Headaches Difficulty or pain during chewing Sleep apnea Tooth grinding Unexplained vertigo and tinnitus Along with relieving yourself from TMJ pain, you may also just want to use Myoaligner® protocol for aesthetic enhancements. Cosmetically, this may be used for: Non-surgical facelifts Jaw slimming Facial profile enhancement/elongating Bite correction Get Started with Myoaligner®. Visit the Myoaligner® website to learn more about the treatment process and to find a provider near you!

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